Who we are

Founded in 1879 by Nicolás Dulce, we are one of the most experienced and prestigious companies in the industry.

Our president, Javier E. Dulce, is the fourth generation of the family and part of the executive committee of the main local and international chambers of maritime industry, such as Argentine Navigation Center, CIANAM and FONASBA.

Thanks to the incorporation of new companies in AMD group, we offer all services required for vessels operating in our area.

We are FQS, FONASBA, and ISO 9001:2015 certified, which supports our commitment to quality



This is what enhances the relationship with our customers.


From 1879 until today, with an eye to the future.


To meet the needs of each operation.


It allows us to always be ahead of the maritime industry.

Fonasba Quality Standard (FQS)
We are Fonasba Quality Standard (FQS) certified. This ensures quality standard services.
Company Structure

In recent years we have had a strong growth through the incorporation to our group of different companies in the maritime industry, which complement and support our agency services, both in Argentina and Uruguay.

Agencia Marítima Dulce S.A.

AMD Uruguay S.A.

UTE Log-In Mercosur / AM Dulce

Shipping Agents
Ancillary services

Awadra S.A.

Brokering & Chartering

Opmar S.A.

Brazo Largo Services S.R.L.

Mooring & Launch Services

Servicios Fluviales S.A.

River Pilotage Services
Shipping companies

Limday S.A.

River Barges Co.

Empujadores de Apoyo S.A.

Tugboat Services
Shipping Agents
  • Agencia Marítima Dulce S.A.
  • AMD Uruguay S.A.
  • UTE Log-In Mercosur / AM Dulce
Ancillary services
Brokering & Chartering
  • Awadra S.A.
Mooring & Launch Services
  • Opmar S.A.
  • Brazo Largo Services S.R.L.
River Pilotage Services
  • Servicios Fluviales S.A.
Shipping companies
River Barges Co.
  • Limday S.A.
Tugboat Services
  • Empujadores de Apoyo S.A.
Member of

Navigation Center

We are member and we actively participate in our local chamber which promotes and represents the agencies activities in our country. Since 2002, our president is member of the Board of Directors of the Navigation Center, being its president during the 2008/2012 period.

American Chamber of National Associations of Maritime Agents

Through our local chamber, we support CIANAM activities, were our president holds a management position.

The Federation of National Associations of Ship Brokers & Agents

As a member of Navigation Center we are involved in FONASBA activities. Our president is the Regional Vice president for the Americas.

World Wide Shipping Asociation (WWSA)

We are part of WWSA, an agency network which provides high quality services worldwide.

International Transport Intermediaries Club Limited

We are member of ITIC, one of the most important international insurance club.
Agencia Marítima Dulce S.A.
Av. Olazábal 1483, 7° piso, of. 0702
(C1428DGS) Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel.: (54 11) 5611 8100
Email: info@amdulce.com.ar

© 2025 Agencia Maritima Dulce. Todos los derechos reservados.