Argentina - New measures announced by Unions

Port and maritime Unions Assemblies on May 6th am, 2024.

The Maritime Port and Naval Industry Federation (FeMPINRA), which brings together most unions in the port-maritime area,

will hold a series of assemblies in all workplaces on May 6th (0800/1100hrs) in accordance with provided by the Argentine

Confederation of Transport Workers (CATT). This measure may affect the normal operations at all ports nationwide.

The measure is to protest against workers’ income tax and other working regulations that are being discussed by Congress.


CGT General Strike announced for May 9th, 2024.

The General Confederation of Labor (CGT) announced a 24hrs general strike for Thursday, May 9th.

At this stage it is not clear which Unions will adhere this measure and how it will affect port/shipping activities nationwide.

We will revert with updated information in due course.


Best regards

Agencia Marítima Dulce S.A.
Av. Olazábal 1483, 7° piso, of. 0702
(C1428DGS) Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel.: (54 11) 5611 8100
Email: info@amdulce.com.ar

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