ARGENTINA - Notice of rate increase on 'channel toll' dues

Notice of rate increase on 'channel toll' dues - Argentina

Pls note that the Ministry of Transport thru ‘Secretariat of Ports and Waterways’ has officially announced the new Basic Rate stipulated for the concession contract of USD 4.30 per NRT for the international transport.

This new tariff will be in place one day after its publication in the official bulletin, which it is supposed to happen as from beginning next week.

As a result, the base rate goes from USD 3.06 to USD 4.30 per NRT, which translates into an approximate increase of 40.32% in the cost of the toll

on Santa Fe Port - Ocean Section (Recalada) of waterways (River Plate + River Parana waterway).

 We will advise you the date on which this increase comes into effect, for your information.

 Best regards

Agencia Marítima Dulce S.A.
Av. Olazábal 1483, 7° piso, of. 0702
(C1428DGS) Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel.: (54 11) 5611 8100
Email: info@amdulce.com.ar

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