Brief of COVID-19 News – events dated 31/08/2020


Compulsory isolation is still in force particularly at Buenos Aires City and surrounding districts of Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area till September 20th - 2400 hrs, most probably to be extended for another 15 days, to be advised. Other areas within the country to be announced case by case basis.

Activities related to foreign trade are so far excluded from the isolation process; operations in most ports are carried out without interruptions or delays


Restriction for vessels coming to Argentina due to Covid-19

General regulations – Covid19 Protocol

Additional to usual pre arrival requirements and with no exception, Sanitary authorities request to receive in advance all documents as sworn statement, all documents listed on Protocol Notice here attached, according to Items 1 to 4 whatever be the case.


Vessels arriving from any country abroad with less than 14 days of navigation (no quarantine period), must comply with current Sanitary protocol in force where all crew will be tested onboard, upon vessel’s arrival to ‘Zona Comun’ anchorage, before getting the authorization to proceed navigation Up Parana river.

(pls see copy here attached – Point 2 - Vessels coming from risk areas without crew changes)



Crew Members / crew change

All borders are still closed, so no foreigners and not even argentine citizens are allowed to enter the country, except few cases.

In view of this, flights going in/out Argentina are almost null, so no crew changes can be effected.

In addition, crewmembers are not allowed to disembark at different ports.



Pilot Services – embarking/disembarking at Recalada

Uruguayan authorities are requesting to all Argentine citizens entering to their country (by land or river) a negative COVID test.

Argentine River Plate pilots are traveling as ‘passengers’ on outbound ships, in order to be positioned at Recalada PS, this affecting their usual travelling/logistics and availability.

As consequence additional pre-booking and coordination time might be needed before boarding at Recalada, this specially focused on River Plate service Recalada/Zona Comun leg.





So far operations are being performed on normal basis at all ports/terminals in line with current Covid19 safety protocol in force.



Sanitary Authorities and Stevedores + Grain Unions are requesting 14 days quarantine period to ALL vessels arriving from any country abroad

(including those not listed as high risk from Covid19)

For those vessels loading upriver 1st, then completing her cargo at Necochea, Stevedores and grain UNIONs are requesting 14 days period to count

since last port of call abroad (i.e. Brazil), even vessel being cleared with authorities Upriver already.



Same as above, Port authorities and Stevedores Unions are requesting 14 days quarantine period to ALL vessels arriving from any country abroad

(including those not listed as high risk from Covid19).

For those vessels loading upriver 1st, then completing her cargo at Bahia Blanca, Stevedores and grain UNIONs are requesting 14 days period

to count since last port of call abroad (i.e. Brazil), even vessel being cleared with authorities Upriver already.


There might be some exceptions for vessel calling Uruguay as last port before Bahia Blanca, but only to be considered case by case basis,

subject Sanitary Authorities approval (not guaranteed) to allow entrance and operations for those vessel. So far this measure not affecting LNG/LPG vessels.



Operations being performed on normal basis so far, subject to current regulations/procedures stablished due to COVID-19 outbreak



Operations being performed on normal basis so far, subject to current regulations/procedures stablished due to COVID-19 outbreak




Due to current COVID-19 outbreak and in line with Mandatory isolation in force, majority of our staff is now working from home.


All our staff is monitoring incoming e-mails + phone calls 24/7, to make sure that our service is no affected on this period.


Best regards

Agencia Marítima Dulce S.A.
Av. E. Madero 1020, 1er piso
(C1106ACX) Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel.: (54 11) 4118 8000 (conmutador)
Email: info@amdulce.com.ar

© 2024 Agencia Maritima Dulce. Todos los derechos reservados.